Federal Minister of the Interior Faeser wants to monitor bank transfers in Germany! Why this is a dangerous development

Federal Minister of the Interior Faeser wants to monitor bank transfers in Germany! Why this is a dangerous development

And every day a new piece of news from Germany greets people who have not fallen on their heads, well, if you read behind the lines. Apparently the Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser (SPD), is planning to monitor bank transfers. Read this article to find out what she is aiming to achieve and why monitoring all bank transfers is essential to Faeser's plan. Continue reading →

Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Society, Politics, 0 comments
Europe is becoming irrelevant - New superpowers are already waiting

Europe is becoming irrelevant - New superpowers are already waiting

Europe will lose importance in the next few years, hard thesis, but there is more and more circumstantial evidence to support this thesis. If Europe does not promptly strive to secure its own independence and prosperity, this will destroy the prosperity of the Western world. Not only Europe is threatened with destruction, but the entire Western world. The damage is becoming more visible than ever.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Society, Politics, Economy, 0 comments