Today I am writing about an experience I recently had to make. For family reasons, we needed a lawyer, although we already had a planned appointment somewhere else, but since we were advised by an organization that helps people to look for a lawyer nearby, since all lawyers have passed their state exams, it wouldn't make any difference, would it?
Artificial intelligence
Which came first, the hen or the egg? ChatGPT o1 has the final answer!
Can ChatGPT answer the question: Which came first the hen or the egg? The question that has moved philosophers, scientists and thinkers for several centuries, and is a classic paradox, because if the egg comes from the hen, where did the hen come from? Continue reading →
Joi AI: Seduction by technology and the silent death of real relationships
Joi AI, an artificial intelligence as a relationship substitute. In this article I deal with the topic of artificial intelligence, primarily the development of Joi and the progressive decline of the social being man, to Homo Technologis.
The war that never was - when AI fantasizes images that do not exist
Recently I came across an article by where it was about AI being able to create images that don't exist, while it might still be amusing to see how Trump arrested by police becomes, or the Pope on fashion icon AI can or could be used to create images that do not exist in a context that is dangerous for everyone. Images of uprisings, armed conflicts and catastrophes.
PTSD and ChatGPT: A solution for people in need?
PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder is for many a term that you deal with on television or in reports about soldiers from the war. What I didn't know, PTSD can also be triggered in a relatively normal life and sudden loss of a person. So virtually everyone is at risk of PTSD. Continue reading →
Lex Kirpeit/AI2023 - Restriction of Generative Artificial Intelligence - Guideline.
Due to the rapid development of artificial intelligence, this has far-reaching consequences for humanity, the likes of which we have never experienced before at such a speed. Within weeks to months, virtually anyone with access to the Internet can now use artificial intelligence to achieve their goals.
Using ChatGPT (GPT-3.5), I created a Lex Kirpeit/AI2023, and adjusted measures accordingly (ChatGPT suggested death penalty, which I think is overkill), which states what limitations of generative AI should apply in my opinion and experience. Since I am a natural person and do not have legislative influence, this Lex Kirpeit/AI2023, is a recommendation and should be considered an informal guide to dealing with generative AI.
This lex is not legally binding, but should be considered to limit long-term harm from generative AIs.
ChatGPT's conclusion:
It is my hope that the Lex Kirpeit/AI2023 will help ensure that the use of generative AI technology is done in an ethically responsible manner and that humanity is protected from the potential harms of the use of AI technology.
Generative AI is a danger and we should ban it
I love using AI and see the benefits every day in my day-to-day work to make my job easier, but not always uncritically, so I have to debug code more often, but it's nicely formatted and documented right away. But generative AI is a danger. Continue reading →
T-1000 becomes reality - is it a good idea?
Terminator fans know him, the T-1000, symbol of the destructive capabilities of Artificial Intelligence, a machine based on a liquid metal, with the ability to change its shape and thus imitate the shape of a human, or even to wander through grids (wander somehow does not fit as a word, but I can not think of one). But now have Scientist really science fiction reality and now here we are, the first miniature robot, which is made of liquid material and can change its shape. So the time has come when we have to think about how to deal with this, when sooner or later larger machines will be able to do this and could possibly pose a danger to humans.
ChatGPT is the future and Microsoft's destiny?
ChatGPT is on everyone's IT lips and as quickly as OpenAI has cracked the 1 million user mark, many a company can take a leaf out of their book and learn something from it. But ChatGPT is not just another tool that a user group finds interesting, but sooner or later will be found in many software products. Alone with ProductHunt are in the last weeks new applications grown like mushrooms from the ground, which ChatGPT or the technology and artificial intelligence behind it.
However, Microsoft now also seems to be interested in ChatGPT, and this could shake up the digital balance of power.