
Squid Game - a philosophical reflection

Squid Game - a philosophical reflection

The 2nd season of the Korean series Squid Game was recently released on Netflix, and in another blog post I already explained my problems and mistrust with the Launch of series on Netflix and Co expressed. So I've only just watched the series Squid Game, worried that there might not be a second season. The series itself is really good, without spoilers, good characters and actors, a story that you can follow and actors who control the whole thing in the background.

But in this post I don't want to talk about the series as a cinematic dramaturgy, which is undoubtedly great and where Hollywood could take a cue from, this post is about an analysis and philosophical reflection. Continue reading →

Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Society, Philosophy, 0 comments
Streaming with Jellyfin on the Smart TV - from problems to watching movies

Streaming with Jellyfin on the Smart TV - from problems to watching movies

Last night I finally wanted to test my own media center on my Smart TV at home with my family. I recently bought Jellyfin an open source software server solution to get a Netflix-like web interface and play series and movies on it. The special thing is that the server can also run on my Windows laptop and you can watch the individual episodes conveniently via the interface. Of course, you can also search for the individual video files in the Windows file manager, but a Netflix-like interface is somehow more convenient.

But it's not that easy to get this streaming experience out of your own laptop and even for me as an IT specialist, it's questionable why it has to be so difficult to stream.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Personal opinion, Economy, 0 comments
Streaming is an energy waster - 3 alternatives

Streaming is an energy waster - 3 alternatives

Streaming is an energy hog and causes a lot of CO2. I have often thought about this topic, but today I would like to write down my thoughts in this post and provide food for thought to find a solution.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Digital, Energy, Society, Economy, 0 comments
I'm selling my Netflix share!

I'm selling my Netflix share!

I've been a Netflix user for a few years now, and I'm happy to take advantage of the service (even though I don't have much time for it). Being able to watch movies and series at any time without annoying commercials ultimately ensures that I don't shed a tear for analog linear television, and am rather ashamed to read online how one TV show after the next flops and is discontinued. (Pro7 digs its own grave, Only 850,000 viewers: RTL lands massive prime-time flop, Only 400,000 viewers: Pro7 has two flops in a row)

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Personal opinion, Economy, 0 comments