
Newspeak after Orwell's 1984 in the 2020s

Newspeak after Orwell's 1984 in the 2020s

Newspeak is the kind of language that developed in Orwell's 1984, or was coerced to move people in a certain direction. In recent years there has been a change in language where the truth is hidden and concealed behind passive or positive words. This article is intended to list words and terms and document their meaning and justification. Continue reading →

Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Digital, Society, Politics, 0 comments

Digital Services Act (DSA): a step towards the introduction of an EU Ministry of Truth

The EU has passed two laws, the so-called Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Market Act (DMA), to combat fake news and disinformation and provide more consumer protection. These laws allow major platforms such as Google and Facebook to be monitored more closely and delete dangerous content. However, they also give the EU Commission more control over the media and the exchange of information on the Internet.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Digital, Society, Politics, 0 comments

Censorship is the reason to blog

This isn't the first time I've blogged, I've posted on another blog before. But with this post that changes.

I've been active on Facebook for at least 10 years, on LinkedIn for at least 5 years, never experienced censorship on I LinkedIn. Until it started with Corona 2020. In 2020 I got my first notification and a post was removed, what it was I don't remember. In 2021 there were 3 and until now, October 2022 at least 3x posts of mine were removed.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Digital, Politics, 0 comments