
Discounts only with Lidl app

Discounts only with Lidl app

Recently I was in the Lidl discount store in Germany (should be mentioned, as Lidl also operates in other countries), when shopping, which we regularly do there as a family, there was a surprise at the checkout during the checkout process. The discount for the fish, there was not, well, not for us normal people, but only for those who had the Lidl Plus App use. In this article, I explain what it's all about and how Lidl is creating a two-tier society at the checkout.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Society, Personal opinion, Economy, 0 comments
Nearlink - China's answer to Bluetooth and WiFi

Nearlink - China's answer to Bluetooth and WiFi

I recently became aware of a new technology called NearLink, although new is relative, as it seems to have been around for a few years on paper, but I couldn't find much about it in German-speaking countries (Computer picture, Electronics practice), mainly in the English-language online media. In this article, I would like to discuss NearLink technology and why it could trigger a geopolitical neck-and-neck race. Continue reading →

Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Politics, Economy, 0 comments
Vertical farming CO2 certificates - a difficult topic

Vertical farming CO2 certificates - a difficult topic

CO2 certificates have been around for some time, you can buy them and thus pay for your CO2 footprint or buy your way out of being allowed to emit a certain amount of CO2. Vertical farming CO2 certificates are therefore only a matter of time. In this article, I explain the problem, give an insight into where energy conversion losses occur, how this affects the profitability of a site, and my personal opinion on the matter. Continue reading →

Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Personal opinion, Vertical farming, Economy, 0 comments
This copper sheet symbolizes problems in Germany

This copper sheet symbolizes problems in Germany

You might now ask, what is it about this copper sheet that has earned it its own post on this blog, and this question is more than justified, as I would also prefer to write about gold investments, but this piece of copper shows just how big the problems are in the German economy.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Society, Personal opinion, Economy, 0 comments
Europe is becoming irrelevant - New superpowers are already waiting

Europe is becoming irrelevant - New superpowers are already waiting

Europe will lose importance in the next few years, hard thesis, but there is more and more circumstantial evidence to support this thesis. If Europe does not promptly strive to secure its own independence and prosperity, this will destroy the prosperity of the Western world. Not only Europe is threatened with destruction, but the entire Western world. The damage is becoming more visible than ever.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Society, Politics, Economy, 0 comments