One discussion that comes up again and again is that renewable energies are not base load capable, or are they? Well, as it always is, it is not easy to answer and is a question of definition.
renewable energies
Vertical Farming Power Consumption
Vertical farming and power consumption is actually one of the most important topics in the industry, but it is usually given little attention or glossed over with buzz words, at least it seems to me that people prefer not to throw out the hard numbers. As a trained electronics engineer, however, I know that the reality is different and not necessarily so great when you look at the energy requirements.
Streaming is an energy waster - 3 alternatives
Streaming is an energy hog and causes a lot of CO2. I have often thought about this topic, but today I would like to write down my thoughts in this post and provide food for thought to find a solution.
Germany's energy supply at the limit
The energy transition in Germany is in full swing, but is due to the war between Russia and Ukraine and the blowing up of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, as well as the boycott of Nord Stream 1, leads to the fact that gas became less, which was now compensated by LNG gas supplies, the German gas storage facilities stood 20.01.2023 (To the graphic), are full, and so far we have been lucky in Germany that the winter so far has not been as cold as previously predicted.