Decode QR codes by hand? Yes, you can!

Decode QR codes by hand? Yes, you can!

I'm sure everyone knows QR codes - those little square boxes with the black and white squares that can only be decoded with a smartphone and the appropriate software.

But can this also be done by hand? In other words, without technical aids? And surprisingly, according to a recent article in the IT news magazine, this is possible via reports a net findwhich I found quite interesting and would like to share here so that people who are interested in the topic can link to it. Since the topic is quite complex, and a developer has already done this very well, I have the Original page with the instructions linked.

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Here is a short video that shows how a QR code is structured:


Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Digital, 0 comments
Water consumption in vertical farming

Water consumption in vertical farming

Vertical farming is a modern farming method that addresses the pressing problem of water conservation in agriculture. As traditional farming methods strain freshwater resources and exacerbate water scarcity, vertical farming offers a sustainable solution. By using hydroponic and aeroponic farming methods, vertical farms can reduce water consumption by up to 90 %. In this blog post, I would like to write about the importance of water conservation in vertical farming and introduce the innovative water-saving technologies used in this industry.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Vertical Farming, Economy, 1 comment
Federal Minister of the Interior Faeser wants to monitor bank transfers in Germany! Why this is a dangerous development

Federal Minister of the Interior Faeser wants to monitor bank transfers in Germany! Why this is a dangerous development

And every day a new piece of news from Germany greets people who have not fallen on their heads, well, if you read behind the lines. Apparently the Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser (SPD), is planning to monitor bank transfers. Read this article to find out what she is aiming to achieve and why monitoring all bank transfers is essential to Faeser's plan. Continue reading →

Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Society, Politics, 0 comments
Investing in uranium: a rewarding prospect for the future!

Investing in uranium: a rewarding prospect for the future!


Are investments in uranium worthwhile? I have been following developments in nuclear power for a number of years now, I was an opponent of nuclear power myself for a long time, and yet after 2011 and the Fukushima disaster I looked into the subject in more depth and did my own research, watched documentaries and reports myself, looked beyond the German "negative" horizon and then came to the point where I say that the Nuclear power is an important and non-negligible source of energy.

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Energy, Energy transition, Economy, 0 comments
Vertical farming CO2 certificates - a difficult topic

Vertical farming CO2 certificates - a difficult topic

CO2 certificates have been around for some time, you can buy them and thus pay for your CO2 footprint or buy your way out of being allowed to emit a certain amount of CO2. Vertical farming CO2 certificates are therefore only a matter of time. In this article, I explain the problem, give an insight into where energy conversion losses occur, how this affects the profitability of a site, and my personal opinion on the matter. Continue reading →

Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Personal opinion, Vertical farming, Economy, 0 comments
Farmers' protest: Are farmers starting the revolution in Germany?

Farmers' protest: Are farmers starting the revolution in Germany?

Farmers' protests in Germany? This is currently happening in Berlin and other places. Many people have been very dissatisfied with politics as a result of the two-year traffic light government. The majority of the population is calling for new elections, the government, consisting of the parties SPD, Greens and FDP, together only reach 32% Support. The majority of people have turned away.

And now the farmers' protests in Germany could create what would be necessary to force new elections, a general strike, if all people, starting with the farmers, stop working. This article is about the farmers' protests of December 2023. Continue reading →

Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Society, 0 comments
Why I sometimes deactivate ad blockers

Why I sometimes deactivate ad blockers

Advertising, who doesn't know it, sometimes annoying, sometimes too personal, and then often slowing down the page. Ad blockers help.

Adblocker plugins have reduced advertising on the internet for many people, but you can still find ads. But why is this actually important?

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Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Digital, 0 comments
Telephone etiquette - Why doesn't anyone call back?

Telephone etiquette - Why doesn't anyone call back?

Is phone etiquette changing in our society? This article is not really related to a big topic this time, but rather to a social behavior that I have noticed has changed in people.

In the past, about 10-15 years ago, it still felt normal that if you called someone and didn't reach them, the person you called would get back to you later. Continue reading →

Posted by Petr Kirpeit in Society, 0 comments
Petr Kirpeit